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Homeopathy research projects taking place worldwide

Dr Gustavo Bracho, Cuba – homeopathy for Leptospirosis & other epidemics
David Eyles, UK – homeopathy to reduce distress in lambs
Prof Jürgen Pannek, Switz. – homeopathy for urinary infections
Dr Stephan Baumgartner, Switz. – testing homeopathic medicines on plants
Alastair Gray, Australia – modern ‚provings‘ testing new homeopathic medicines

Ground-breaking experiments testing homeopathic arsenic on wheat seedlings

Dr Stephan Baumgartner, University of Bern, Switzerland

Jacques Benveniste, Heretic

A film portrait of the late Dr Jacques Benveniste, French Government scientist and pioneer of laboratory research into homeopathy…..which led to his downfall.

Homeopathy: Medicine or Magic?

A 30 minute introduction to homeopathy, made by the BBC in the 1990s. It so impressed the British Medical Association that they gave it their „Medicine in the Media“ Gold Award – the BMA’s highest possible accolade


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