World-renowned researcher Prof Jennifer Jacobs
The story behind one of the highest quality studies ever published on individualised homeopathic treatment, published in the conventional medical journal Pediatrics.
Homeopathy research projects taking place worldwide
Dr Gustavo Bracho, Cuba – homeopathy for Leptospirosis & other epidemics
David Eyles, UK – homeopathy to reduce distress in lambs
Prof Jürgen Pannek, Switz. – homeopathy for urinary infections
Dr Stephan Baumgartner, Switz. – testing homeopathic medicines on plants
Alastair Gray, Australia – modern ‚provings‘ testing new homeopathic medicines
Ground-breaking experiments testing homeopathic arsenic on wheat seedlings
Dr Stephan Baumgartner, University of Bern, Switzerland
Jacques Benveniste, Heretic
A film portrait of the late Dr Jacques Benveniste, French Government scientist and pioneer of laboratory research into homeopathy…..which led to his downfall.
Homeopathy: Medicine or Magic?
A 30 minute introduction to homeopathy, made by the BBC in the 1990s. It so impressed the British Medical Association that they gave it their „Medicine in the Media“ Gold Award – the BMA’s highest possible accolade