Recommended reading

Delve into a curated selection of external publications on homeopathy research, from film clips to peer reviewed journal articles

Peer reviewed journal articles

Peer reviewed journals are considered the most reliable source of scientific information. These articles have been selected by the HRI team as being of continued interest to all those interested in homeopathy research.

Effect of Ointments of Sulphur or Pyrogenium on Larvae of Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

Barros GP, Avilés LLA, Hillmann MCH et al.
Homeopathy, 2022. 111(4):271-277

Agronomic behavior of the turnip (Brassica napus L.) during the application of homeopathic medicines Open Access

Abasolo-Pacheco F, Ojeda-Silvera CM, Cervantes-Molina JE et al.
Terra Latinoamericana,
2020; 38: 67-82
Full text

Silicea terra and Zincum metallicum Modulate the Activity of Macrophages Challenged with BCG In Vitro

Pinto SAG, Nagai MYO, Alvares-Saraiva et al.
2021; 110(01): 52-61

The Clinical and Biological Effects of Homeopathically Prepared Signaling Molecules: A Scoping Review Open Access

Manchanda RK, Gupta M, Gupta A et al.
Homeopathy, 2022. 111(1):10-21.
Full text

Effect of Nosodes on Lettuce, Parasitized or Not by Meloidogyne enterolobii

Ferreira TM, Mangeiro MZ, Almeida AM
Homeopathy, 2021. 110(4):256-262

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