We are proud to announce that, thanks to the generosity of our donors, a service evaluation assessing the homeopathic treatment of IBS at Barnsley Hospital has the green light. As lead researcher Jackie Raw explains,

« Following recent publication of our IBS trial results, we are delighted to announce that go-ahead has been given to undertake a service evaluation in the homeopathic treatment of IBS to establish an ‘optimum treatment protocol’. The service evaluation will look at the homeopathic ‘package of care’ for 15 patients with a diagnosis of IBS over a 6-9 month period at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.  Attempting to understand an optimum period of (homeopathic) treatment is important because it will inform the commissioning process for future, larger-scale, studies and the care that is offered.

Originally, this study was intended to follow on from completion of our pilot study but, as with many Trusts, budgetary constraints and personnel changes have meant we are commencing this study 12 months after the anticipated date, September, 2014.  During the next 3 months the study protocol will be finalised and recruitment for the trial will take place. At a time when the prevailing economic climate has meant many Trusts and Funders have withdrawn funding to all but essential or ongoing research it is especially significant that this service evaluation is seen as an important piece of work, influenced by positive results of the first study.

Unlike our previous research, this study has been wholly funded by HRI.  On behalf of the research team we would like to express our thanks to the funders who have made this possible. » Dr K Kapur, Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist, explains the importance of HRI’s support for this project: « On behalf of our research team here at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, thank you for your support in funding a follow-on study in the Homeopathic treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  The award will allow us to further explore the possible benefits of a homeopathic intervention for this common condition.

Studies of this nature make a vital contribution to the evidence base for homeopathy and enable us to build on the observations from our pilot which is very exciting. Our thanks once again to HRI and its donors as sole funders of this study. » HRI looks forward to following the progress of this project over the coming months.