The Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) welcomes the decision by Australia’s NHMRC to release its first report on homeopathy, produced in 2012.

After years of NHMRC’s refusing to release the report, researchers, decision-makers and the general public can finally see the full draft of the 2012 Homeopathy Review, in which the author concluded that there is “encouraging evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy” in five medical conditions.

We also welcome the valuable clarification provided by NHMRC CEO Prof Anne Kelso, that NHMRC’s second Homeopathy Review published in 2015 “did not conclude that homeopathy was ineffective”, despite claims to that effect in media reports and by anti-homeopathy campaigners.

HRI will be reviewing the 2012 draft report, The Effectiveness of Homeopathy: an overview review of secondary evidence, carefully over the coming weeks, along with NHMRC’s annotations to the 293-page document.

“For over three years NHMRC have refused to release their 2012 draft report on homeopathy, despite Freedom of Information requests and even requests by members of the Australian Senate. To see this document finally seeing the light of day is a major win for transparency and public accountability in research.”  —Rachel Roberts, HRI Chief Executive

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