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Effects of homeopathic preparations on phenological development and control of insects and diseases of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

Lösch EL, Gaia MC de M, Longo C et al. Research, Society and Development, 2021. 10(1), e49610111991 Full text...

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised, Other-than-Placebo Controlled, Trials of Individualised Homeopathic Treatment.

Mathie RT, Ulbrich-Zurni S, Viksveen P, et al. Homeopathy, 2018; 107(4): 229 – 243 Abstract |Full text...

CORE-Hom: A powerful and exhaustive database of clinical trials in homeopathy

Clausen J, Moss S, Tournier A, Ludtke R, Albrecht H Homeopathy 2014; 103: 219-223 Abstract | Full text...

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